Minute Man National Historical Park is an ideal location for bird watching with over 1,000 acres of natural landscape, including forest, meadow, farm field, wetland, and shrubland. These habitats provide food, nesting habitat, or a migration stop for over 160 bird species. At least 50 bird species are known to breed within the park.
The Friends of Minute Man National Park is pleased to offer an annual spring migration bird walk and sponsor the Christmas Bird Count at the park. To learn about future bird walks, please join our email newsletter list or check out our events page.
You can learn more and view photos of birds commonly found at Minute Man National Park by visiting their website.
Photo credits, clockwise: bird photos by Kathy and Jay Dia, group of bird watchers in front of Hartwell Tavern by Kathleen Fahey.
Please download our Birding Checklist below and bring it with you to Minute Man National Historical Park. Consider contributing your sightings to ebird, a free global database of bird sightings.