Support Your Park
Your donation supports historic preservation, education, and free public events at Minute Man National Historical Park. The Friends of Minute Man National Park is the official non-profit partner of the Park and a 501c3 charitable organization (EIN 22-3090536). Your gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
Become a Member
Membership makes a difference! Support the park through annual Membership.
Join a Leadership Circle
Step up to a Leadership Circle and provide vital support for the Park’s mission.
Become a Sponsor
Businesses and organizations receive special benefits when they become a Sponsor.
Give to a Special Park Cause
Give today to the 250th Anniversary, Buttrick Gardens, or Meriam House.
Send a Check or Donor-Advised Funds
Donations are gratefully accepted by sending a check to our address:
Friends of Minute Man National Park
174 Liberty Street
Concord, MA 01742
Donate Stock
The Friends are delighted to accept gifts of appreciated securities. It is our policy to sell the stock or security and put the proceeds to work right away for the Minute Man National Historical Park. Please contact us at 978-318-7822 or [email protected] and we would be happy to provide you with our brokerage account. Our EIN is 223090536. Please notify us as soon as the transfer has been initiated so that we may provide an acknowledgment for tax purposes.
Planned Giving
Please consider a gift to the Friends of Minute Man in your will. Your planned gift can ensure the future of Minute Man National Historical Park. Please let us know if you have put us in your will! Letting us know your intentions is not a legally binding commitment but just a courtesy that we may expect a possible future donation.
Any Questions?
Please contact us at [email protected] or at 978-318-7822. Please allow a few business days for part-time staff to return phone calls.