Minute Man National Historical Park had an unusual visitor this spring, a barred rock rooster! This handsome guy was sited by staff and visitors around the Hartwell Tavern parking lot area. We don’t know how he got there. It is illegal, not to mention cruel, to drop unwanted animals off in the park. What we do know is that this rooster is an exceptionally hardy and resourceful fellow who not only evaded capture by park staff for several days but also somehow avoided the local carnivorous wildlife.
The rooster was finally caught by a team of park volunteers and is seen here being held by Margie Brown, Natural & Cultural Resource Manager at Minute Man. Fortunately, the park just happened to be partnering with Codman Community Farms to host a flock of retired laying hens. The hens and the rescued rooster reside in a fenced and roofed chicken coop/run while assisting with composting invasive plants and leaves (see image below).
Sorry, the chickens are not currently on public display, but we’ll keep you updated and post more pictures!
To learn more about wild and native species of animals at the park, please click here.
Image above: Margie Brown holding the barred rock rooster shortly after he was caught by a team of volunteers.
Image below: Hens munching on invasives while the rooster surveys his new territory.