Princeton Elm Planted at Wayside, Home of Authors
This spring Minute Man National Historical Park and the Friends of Minute Man were delighted to host a tree planting at the Wayside, Home of Authors, by the Massachusetts Society of the Children of the Revolution (M.S.C.A.R.). Taryn Holmes, a local teen and Mass State President for the National Society of the Children of the American Revolution approached the park about planting a tree in honor of Harriett M. Lothrop (1844–1924). Lothrop was a resident of the Wayside, a noted children’s author under the pen name Margaret Sidney, and founded the National Society of the Children of the Revolution (N.S.C.A.R.) in 1895.
Taryn spent much of her time during the covid pandemic developing her project and raising funds. Her project focused on Harriet Lothrop as N.S.C.A.R. celebrated the 125 anniversary of its founding in 2020. As the culmination of her project, Taryn worked with park staff to arrange for a tree planting and day of service at the Wayside. On May 22, 2021 over a dozen members of M.S.C.A.R. and NPS volunteers arrived at the Wayside ready to work! The Friends of Minute Man National Park purchased a large Princeton Elm with Taryn’s donation. The event started with a dedication ceremony and remarks by Steven Neth and Margie Brown of the National Park Service who worked closely with Taryn to make the project a success. Taryn and her crew planted the disease-resistant elm in the Wayside lawn as well as other smaller trees in the Wayside parking lot to replace elms on the property that were lost to age, weather, and disease.
Thanks to Taryn and M.S.C.A.R. for enhancing the landscape at the Wayside; the elm is acclimating well and we look forward to watching it grow and flourish over the years. We are also excited to note that Taryn made another significant donation to the Friends of Minute Man National Park to support the conservation of the Lothrop American flag found in the Minute Man National Historical Park archives. The project is ongoing and we will keep you updated!
Image, clockwise from left: Princeton Elm planting on Wayside lawn; M.S.C.A.R. participants, NPS staff and volunteers; Taryn Holmes; young M.S.C.A.R. members having fun while planting small trees in Wayside parking lot.
For more information on Harriett Lothrop and the founding of the National Society of the Children of the Revolution, please click here.