These lovely ladies are wintering at the Minute Man National Historical Park and are as soft and fuzzy as they look! These females are Ouessant sheep, a breed which originated on the French island of Ushant. Peggy Ewe, Sheepira, Woolamina, and friends weigh about 40 to 50 lbs each and are a miniature breed.
We are delighted to host these sheep from the Breton Meadow Farm in Lincoln, in cooperation with the Codman Community Farm of Lincoln.
The sheep are staying at the Carty Barn, which is not open to the public, but you can see them as you walk along the Minute Man NHP Battle Road Trail between the parking lots at Meriam’s Corner and Brooks Village in Concord. In the month ahead, the ewes will be sheared as the Ouessant breed produces dense high-quality wool. When the nights are warmer, the herd will return to grazing areas in the Parker’s Revenge and Whittemore landscapes. The herd will rotate weekly to restore quality pasture areas using movable shelters and fencing. To learn more about how you can assist with rotational grazing, contact [email protected]
For more information on the breed, check out this youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiPspTU6_CA