Sheep Shelters by Scouts

Patrick Burns of Lowell, MA Scout Troop 7 (in the red sweatshirt) designed and built four portable shelters for the sheep at Minute Man National Historical Park for his Eagle Scout Project. The sheep reside at the park through a special collaboration with a local farm.

A group of teens assisted Patrick with the construction of the shelters and they worked quickly and efficiently, building and painting four shelters, all while working outside in below-freezing temperatures in early March to be Covid-safe. Eagle Scout Aidan Hanna, also from Lowell, noted, “Patrick did a fantastic job designing the shelter, making a materials list, and organizing the building. The shelters are sturdy but transportable.”

Margie Brown, the Park’s Natural & Cultural Resource Manager also complimented Patrick and his team, “Patrick really thought about the design. His shelters are modular, so depending on the size of the herd, one or all four of the shelter units can be set up.” The sheep are moved throughout the park in the growing season foraging on invasive plants and maintaining historical grazing areas.

Learn more about the sheep at Minute Man National Historical Park!
Sheep at the Minute Man
Sheep Shearing at Minute Man
Sheep on the Move!